Boron Nitride Carbon (BNC) is a composite product of boron nitride (BN) and boron carbide (B, C). Boron Nitride Carbon has a hexagonal lattice with boron nitride (h-BN) as the parent phase.
Among various fine ceramic materials, boron nitride, boron carbide, or other boride ceramics are the most interesting high temperature materials. On this basis, Boron Nitride Carbon, which is composed of boron nitride and boron carbide, is also a new type of fine ceramic material, which has better thermal, chemical, and electrical insulation properties.
Existing research: Two-dimensional Boron Nitride Carbon hybrid materials with honeycomb atomic arrangement are a new class of valleytronic materials with tunable energy gaps extending from ultraviolet to visible, near-infrared and far-infrared bands. Experiments have confirmed the existence of valley polarization in this system.
Boron Nitride Carbon
Boron Nitride Carbon (BNC) is a composite product of boron nitride (BN) and boron carbide (B, C). Boron Nitride Carbon has a hexagonal lattice with boron nitride (h-BN) as the parent phase.
Among various fine ceramic materials, boron nitride, boron carbide, or other boride ceramics are the most interesting high temperature materials. On this basis, Boron Nitride Carbon, which is composed of boron nitride and boron carbide, is also a new type of fine ceramic material, which has better thermal, chemical, and electrical insulation properties.
Existing research: Two-dimensional Boron Nitride Carbon hybrid materials with honeycomb atomic arrangement are a new class of valleytronic materials with tunable energy gaps extending from ultraviolet to visible, near-infrared and far-infrared bands. Experiments have confirmed the existence of valley polarization in this system. (“Valley Pseudospin with a Widely Tunable Bandgap in Doped Honeycomb BN Monolayer,Jinbo Yang,Nano Letters)
FIG.1 BNC Ceramic Products.
On January 30, 2023, molybdenum price rose by more than 20% in a single day, breaking a new 17-year high. Molybdenum is known as the "war metal", "steel warrior". Molybdenum is valued by more and more countries. China is the world's richest country in molybdenum resources, with reserves of 4.3 million tons, followed by the United States (2.7 million tons) and Chile (1.8 million tons), which acco...more